.. _adccore-layer: The adccore C++ layer ===================== This page contains a reference of the *adccore* C++ library and its classes and functions generated automatically from the *adccore* source code. Reference state --------------- This category lists the *adccore* functionality, which imports the data from the :cpp:class:`adcc::HartreeFockSolution_i` interface into the :cpp:class:`adcc::ReferenceState` for internal use by the library. See :ref:`hostprograms` for details how to connect host programs to adcc. Important classes in the process are :cpp:class:`adcc::MoSpaces`, which collects information about the occupied and virtual orbital spaces, and :cpp:class:`adcc::MoIndexTranslation`, which maps orbitals indices between the ordering used by adccore and the one used by the SCF program. .. doxygengroup:: ReferenceObjects :members: :content-only: Perturbation theory ------------------- :cpp:class:`adcc::LazyMp` lazily computes second-order and third-order Møller-Plesset perturbation theory on top of the reference held by a :cpp:class:`adcc::ReferenceState`. .. doxygengroup:: PerturbationTheory :members: :content-only: AdcMatrix and matrix cores -------------------------- :cpp:class:`adcc::AdcMatrix` sets up a representation of the ADC matrix for a particular method. My the means of matrix cores, which actually do the work, this allows to perform matrix-vector products or access the diagonal of such a matrix under a common interface. .. doxygengroup:: AdcMatrix :members: :content-only: ADC guess setup --------------- .. doxygengroup:: AdcGuess :members: :content-only: ISR and one-particle densities ------------------------------ .. doxygengroup:: Properties :members: :content-only: Tensor interface ---------------- The generalised :cpp:class:`adcc::Tensor` interface used by adcc and adccore to perform tensor operations. .. doxygengroup:: Tensor :members: :content-only: Utilities --------- .. doxygengroup:: Utilities :members: :content-only: Metadata access --------------- These classes and functions provide access to metadate about *adccore*. .. doxygengroup:: Metadata :members: :content-only: Tensor implementation using libtensor ------------------------------------- This section describes the implementation of the Tensor functionality of :cpp:class:`adcc::Tensor` using the libtensor tensor library. .. doxygengroup:: TensorLibtensor :members: :content-only: