
class adcc.Tensor(sym_or_mo, space=None, permutations=None, spin_block_maps=None, spin_blocks_forbidden=None)

Bases: libadcc.Tensor

Construct an uninitialised Tensor from an MoSpaces or a Symmetry object.

More information about the last four, symmetry-related parameters see the documentation of the Symmetry object.

  • sym_or_mo – Symmetry or MoSpaces object

  • spaces (str, optional) – Space of the tensor, can be None if the first argument is a Symmetry object.

  • permutations (list, optional) – List of permutational symmetries of the Tensor.

  • spin_block_maps (list, optional) – List of mappings between spin blocks

  • spin_blocks_forbidden (list, optional) – List of forbidden (i.e. forced-to-zero) spin blocks.


An MoSpaces object is contained in many datastructures of adcc, including the AdcMatrix, the LazyMp, the ReferenceState and any solver or ADC results state.


Construct a symmetric tensor in the “o1o1” (occupied-occupied) spaces:

>>> Tensor(mospaces, "o1o1", permutations=["ij", "ji"])

Construct an anti-symmetric tensor in the “v1v1” spaces:

>>> Tensor(mospaces, "v1v1", permutations=["ab", "-ba"])

Construct a tensor in “o1v1”, which maps the alpha-alpha block anti-symmetrically to the beta-beta block and which has the other spin blocks set to zero:

>>> Tensor(mospaces, "o1v1", spin_block_maps=[("aa", "bb", -1)],
...        spin_blocks_forbidden=["ab", "ba"])

Methods Summary


Select the absolute maximal values in the tensor, which are below the given tolerance.

Methods Documentation


Select the absolute maximal values in the tensor, which are below the given tolerance.